Sweeny ISD will return to school on Monday, January 6, 2025. Tuition will be adjusted on brightwheel.
KCCC will be open Monday, January 20, 2025. All day care will be provided for the schoolers. Please send your child with a sack lunch. Your tuition will be adjusted on brightwheel.
You can print/download your end of year tax information directly from brightwheel. Make sure you have your email entered into your profile account. Brightwheel will email you directly about your tax information or if you prefer, you can get it from brightwheel by following the instructions below. Also, I know some of you had difficulty and if that is still the case, please contact the office and Ms. Rosy can print out or email you the information. The first print-out/email is free, any subsequent printouts/emails will be subject to a $1.00 charge on your account.
1. Navigate to the Payments tab on the web.
A. Make sure to do this on a computer and not on a mobile device!
2. Confirm you are on the Accounts tab and select your student’s name (if there are multiple) to open their account.
A. If you see Invoices and Accounts tab instead, stop here and follow the instructions below.
I. Navigate to the Payments tab.
II. Switch from the Accounts tab to Invoices.
III. Click on a child’s name.
IV. Click on the orange Payments button on the right side.
V. Select a date range.
VI. Click View Payments, and the report will be displayed.
VII. Click Print Report to print or save the report.
3. Scroll down until you see the Posted Transactions table or the Payments & Credits tab.
A. If you see the Posted Transactions table, stop here, and follow the instructions below.
I. Navigate to the Payments tab on the web.
a. Make sure to do this on a computer and not on a mobile device!
II. Confirm you are on the Accounts tab and select your student's name (if there are multiple) to open their account.
III. Scroll down until you see the Posted Transactions table.
IV. Click the purple Select an action menu and select Export Summary.
V. Use the date picker to determine the Start and End Dates.
VI. Click Export to send a summary to your email address and/or download a PDF immediately.
VII. Use the Total Payments tile at the top of the exported report to determine the payments made in the selected date range.
B. If you see the Payments & Credits tab, follow these steps.
I. Click to open the Payments & Credits tab.
II. Click the purple Export button.
III. Select the relevant date range.
IV. Click Export and a summary will be sent to your email address.
V. Click Download in the displayed pop-up to download the report immediately as a PDF.
VI. Use the Total Payments tile at the top of the exported report to determine the payments made in the selected date range.
💡If you have multiple children, repeat these steps for each child and then sum the total payments amount together for the full amount you paid in the given year!
Please Note: If you use your phone number to log into brightwheel, please wait for the download to appear before navigating away from the page or refreshing. If you have an email associated with your account, the export will download immediately, and a copy will also be sent to your inbox within a few minutes.
Thank you for the cards, food, and gifts during the holiday season. Your appreciation means more than anything, and it’s what keeps us going!
Kids’ Campus would like to wish Happy Birthday to:
Jade Ballingall January 3 5 years old!
Ms. Denae January 3 ??????????
Connor Mayes January 9 5 years old!
Walker Sykes January 12 4 years old!
Dalila Oviedo January 14 7 years old!
Niko Lee January 15 9 years old!
Ms. Kae’lin January 16 ??????????
Aubrey Smith January 18 2 years old!
Carter Sykes January 25 6 years old!
Dalton Early January 26 3 years old!
Maverick Anderson January 30 4 years old!
I failed to wish Ms. Olivia Ochoa Happy Kids’ Campus Anniversary last month. She survived her first year with flying colors!
Shawn Wagner