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Welcome to a new school year at Kids’ Campus!  Big changes come for most of us when school begins.  Some children move to a new class, and that is both exciting and challenging.  For newcomers, it means getting to know friends, staff, and schedules.  We give ourselves the last two weeks of August to “get to know you” and get used to new routines, and then start our regular curriculum, schedules and programs this month.


Texas Minimum Standards requires regular updates of information for each child to be on file at the center.  Look for them in your child’s mailbox the first week of September.  It is important that we keep up-to-date information for contacting parents and addresses, but ALSO allergy and health information for each child.  Please complete and sign/date all sections, and return the information by September 13th.  One form per child needs to be filled out, for individual health information.  Remember that there are “Change of Information” forms available in the entry for you to update information at any time during the year.  Please also bring updated immunization records as your child receives them.


Mr. Tom Wilbeck will return for our Music Enrichment time.  Mr. Tom will be a part of our curriculum once a month and will be here September 17th!  The kids love the songs and silliness he brings.  The best part…….. he teaches!!  You can find out more about Mr. Tom and Tom’s Fun Band by visiting


  1. Please have your children here BEFORE 9 a.m.  Snack is served at 9 and curriculum and fun begin.  Arriving early will ensure that your child will have plenty of time for a snack and have a successful rest time.

  2. If your child has an accident or gets very dirty outside, we will change their clothes.  If your child has no clothes provided, we will use Kids’ Campus clothes.  Please return Kids’ Campus clothes the following day.  In the last couple of years, our extra clothes supply has decreased, especially underwear! 

  3. When you receive a minor mishap, please sign and return it to the pink basket.  If your child has a minor mishap paper, it will be in your child’s mailbox or staff will let you know upon pick-up.  We must have this in their file. 

  4. If your child needs medication, you will need to fill out a form EACH day medication is needed, the teacher will administer the medication and return the authorization to the office. 

  5. Texas Minimum Standards requires Kids’ Campus to have a record of the arrival and departure of each childPlease sign them in and out every day on the tablet provided or by using your phone OR scanning the QR code.  We understand the tablet can be finicky, please let us know if there is an issue.

  6. Tuition is due on Monday.  A $15 late fee is added if tuition is paid after 9:00 A.M. Wednesday, unless previous arrangements are made with the office to pay monthly, bi-weekly, or a different day. 

  7. At 6:01 a late pick-up fee of $15/child is added to your tuition.  Each additional 10 minutes will be another $15 charge per child.

  8. Breakfast is served until 7:25 ONLY in the main building.  Breakfast needs to be brought already made or ready to eat.  We do not have a microwave available in the classrooms.  Children (2’s class and up) arriving after 7:30 will need to have breakfast before coming into the building.  Morning snack is served at 9:00.

  9. We love to keep our Lost and Found boxes empty, so please label everything!

    • KCCC or KCCC staff cannot be responsible for lost items if you fail to label them.

  10. Verbal messages are very difficult for us to remember since there are so many each day, please WRITE IT DOWN or message us on brightwheel and we will respond as soon as possible.


Kids In Focus Photography is scheduled for Friday, October 11th.  Please send your children dressed for pictures.  We will be glad to change them into play clothes as soon as they are finished posing.  The photographer will arrive early and will begin with the Infant class by 7:00!  Tuesday – Thursday children can arrive about 9:30 and will be fit in as soon as possible.    Look for more information in October for pricing and background.


School supply lists are available on the table in the entry of both buildings and are also available on our website:  If you have not picked one up, please do so and provide your child’s supplies as soon as possible.  They have already begun using them, and it is very important to your child to have his/her own things.  School age children have a short list to replenish consumable supplies used in their room and should also provide those as soon as possible.


Once again, we will be making 2 trips when/if needed this year.  The first bus leaves at 7:20 and if needed the second will leave about 7:35. Please have your child here no later than 7:30 or provide alternate transportation.

IMPORTANT: School age parents- If your child is absent or picked up early from school, and will not come to Kids’ Campus, let us know in writing or call us by 3:00.  Please do not rely on VERBAL MESSAGES!  The school-age building has an answering machine for your convenience, 979-548-3460, or you can call the office, text via the brightwheel app or text my personal cell phone to 979-864-6588.  We will be expecting your child and will wait at the school with all the other children until we know your child is safe.  This is a Texas Minimum Standards rule.  If we do not hear from you and make calls to find out where your child is, THERE WILL BE A $5.00 CHARGE PER PHONE CALL OR TEXT!  Don’t forget, if they are absent, picked up early and will not need transportation, please let us know.


Kids’ Campus would like to wish Happy Birthday to:

Weston Lanfear                   September 7                         3 years old!

Caleb Anderson                  September 10                      4 years old!

Rachel Rangel                     September 13                      11 years old!

Charlette Landreneau        September 15                      4 years old!

Kevin Oviedo                       September 19                      10 years old!

Wyatt Voltz                           September 26                      5 years old!

Maddie Jones                      September 29                      2 years old!




Happy Grandparent’s Day, Sunday, September 8th!




Shawn Wagner

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